Catinca Tabacaru Gallery Collective
Catinca Tabacaru Bucharest
Catinca Tabacaru Bucharest (Est. 2020)
CTG Harare
CTG Harare (Est. 2015)
Catinca Tabacaru New York
Catinca Tabacaru New York (2014 - 2019)


Catinca Tabacaru earned her bachelor degree from the University of California, Berkeley (2003) and her juris doctorate and masters in international law from Duke University (2007). She spent her graduate school years working for the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the Office of the Chief Defense Counsel for the Military Commissions at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

After two years working as a litigation attorney in New York City, Tabacaru started Women’s Voices Now, a not-for-profit organization aimed at giving voice to women living in Muslim-majority countries through the medium of film (2010). She curated Women’s Voices from the Muslim World, a collection of 99 short-films from 40 countries, which was made freely available on the web and, at its peak, was watched in 176 countries. She passed on Women’s Voices Now to its new leadership (2012) to focus on her work as an art dealer and curator.

After opening her eponymous Gallery in New York City in 2014, and moving it to Bucharest in 2020, Catinca Tabacaru was the instigator and co-Founder of RAD Art Fair in Bucharest, Romania, and has been acting as its co-Artistic Director since the inaugural edition in 2023. She also co-Founded Doi Joi, a second-Thursdays program started in Bucharest in 2022, which expands nationally in 2024.


Catinca Tabacaru
Founder & Co-Director

Raphael Guilbert

Marta Mattioli
Gallery Manager

Sorina Herghelegiu

Petra Pascu
Social Media

Chikonzero Chazunguza
CTG Harare Partner

Galeria Catinca Tabacaru
Calea Giulești 14, Etaj 3
Bucharest, RO 012244
TEL: +40 (0) 722 430 430

CTG Harare
Plot 1, Stonehurts
Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 7 83499954
By appointment