Shinji Murakami

“Murakami, who is based in New York, started his career in the streets over 15 years ago, tagging minimalist graphic representations of bunnies, hearts and flowers on Tokyo’s urban canvas. Back then, his aim was already to engage a cross-generational, cross-cultural audience—so by the time emoji became a global language, the universally recognized hieroglyphs had natural appeal for the artist.” – excerpt from Noémie Jennifer for Vice

With the Minis, Murakami reaches deeper into this universality, offering artwork to a more inclusive audience that reaches far beyond the traditional art collector profile. Now, the young, the creative, the not so wealthy can enter the ranks of Murakami art collectors.

A simple gesture of making works that are small and inexpensive furthers a concept that was ignited at the very beginning of Murakami’s career – as his street art was accessible to all, these minis are also accessible to most.

Mini Heart, 2016
resin, glue and alkyd paint 2.5 × 2.5 × 2 in

Mini Heart, 2016

Mini Puppy, 2016
resin, glue and alkyd paint 3.5 × 1.5 × 3.5 in

Mini Puppy, 2016